Robin Geffen founded Neptune Investment Management in May 2002 and is the originator of the company's 'real-world' investment approach. He graduated from Oxford University in 1979 and began his investment career at Charterhouse J Rothschild before moving on to Eagle Star, York Trust and Scottish Equitable, where he set up its pooled fund business. Geffen joined Orbitex Investments as chief investment officer in 1997 and held the post of global CIO, pensions, before founding Neptune.
Large-cap bias boosted year-to-date performance
Focus on HNW clients in London
Also hired Milway from EFG Asset Management
Started to add exposure to EMs
Now shut around a third of fund range
Neptune has promoted Charlie Parker to head of distribution, just over a year after the former journalist joined the fund house.
Neptune's Felix Wintle has described 2014 as a "frustrating" year for performance but has prospered again this year in part due to a zero weighting in "bond proxy" utilities.
Neptune has promoted James Dowey to the role of chief investment officer.
Abenomics in Japan has been a roaring success, and should not be seen as just a quick fix 'sugar high' for markets, according to Neptune's CEO Robin Geffen and chief economist James Dowey.