Geraldine Sundstrom, manager of the PIMCO GIS Dynamic Multi-Asset Fund on the shock of managing risk and returns in a pandemic, and how she successfully navigated the tumultuous waters of 2020 and 2021
Investment Week’s first episode of FundCast looks to explore the challenges of maintaining sustainable investment strategies and asks if greenwashing can ever truly be avoided.
The market is following a different recovery path in 2021, despite being in the early-to-mid part of its cycle. Should you be investing differently too?
Investment Week’s exclusive new podcast debates the ‘rampant’ issue of greenwashing in the sustainable investing sector. Are fund managers simply ignoring the ESG agenda and paying lip-service to a ‘trending’ investor movement?
Investment Week’s new podcast debates the ‘rampant’ issue of greenwashing in the sustainable investing sector. But can it really be avoided?
Advisers must shift their attention to the huge opportunity of wealth controlled by women – many of whom require tailored financial advice, according to panellists on Investment Week’s latest Diversity Debates series
Female wealth is rising, yet few women invest in shares and funds choosing the safe haven of cash instead